Heartsong Student


Vision:  HSM exists to reach out to students in grades 6-12th and grow Jesus followers. 

Mission:  Equipping students with life and stage appropriate ways for living a Jesus Following life.

Core Values:

Real - We provide students a place to encounter a real, authentic Jesus, pointing them to the Jesus of Scripture and how he informs our strengths, hopes, and experiences in faith.  

Relational - We point students to a relationship with Jesus, and provide background-checked Jesus following adults that model & encourage them in their relationship with Jesus and others. 

Relevant - We provide students with the tools to successfully live-out their faith,

with authentic and current teaching to help them navigate life. 


6th-12th Grade

SUNDAY Mornings  8:30-10AM

The Core meets every Sunday morning in the upstairs Youth Room in a small group environment. Focusing on Bible study and how to apply its lessons and truths in the life of today's youth, The Core guides students in discovering how to make choices and manage emotions in ways that honor God, themselves, and others.


6TH-12th Grade


The GATHERING is on break for the Summer - see you in August!

THE GATHERING is a time for all 6th - 12th grade students to connect with God and friends. We meet in the upstairs Youth Room @ Heartsong (use the South Entrance) with hang time & food at 6pm. followed by games, music, and a relevant, truth-filled message, and awesome small group time!