What's Your Next Step?

  • Baptism at Heartsong

    Baptism is a sacred event in your life, and in the life of the church! It's an outward expression of an inward faith. Contact Brother Parker, he would love to talk with you about baptism for yourself and/or your family members. Join the family of the Church universal!

  • make an impact with heartsong

    We believe in putting our hands & feet where our hearts and prayers are - right next to Jesus. Join Heartsong in serving our community's needs once or regularly as part of a team. Contact Donna Johnson

  • Serving at Heartsong

    Life is more than just consuming, it's about using our time, energy, creativity, and resources in ways that help others get to know Jesus!

    We encourage everyone to join in and show-out the love of Jesus by serving in one of our Sunday Serve Areas. Contact Marilynn Biggers

  • Joining with Heartsong

    We take Jesus and his ways seriously. We don’t have members, we have Partners in the mission - sharing the joys & responsibilities of showing-up and showing-out for Christ’s sake. You're invited to the next session of Exploring Heartsong, and see how the Lord is nudging you to get shoulder to shoulder with us. Contact Brother Parker!